Bibiyan Law Group secured a big win on behalf of Cecil Reyes and 569 similarly situated current and former workers at Imperial Sprinkler Supply, Inc. Thanks to the bravery, hard work, and dedication of Cecil, the other class members, David Bibiyan, and the outstanding legal team at Bibiyan Law Group, Imperial Sprinkler settled the case for $1.2 million. The company did not admit wrongdoing, and the plaintiffs agreed not to hold them legally liable outside the agreement. This verdict case study provides information about what happened in the case, what led to the lawsuit, and the outcome.
Bibiyan Law Group is a fierce ally for employees treated unfairly or taken advantage of by their employers. Every worker deserves to be paid for their time and labor, and no worker should be subjected to discrimination and illegal labor practices. Our team fights to hold bad bosses and others responsible for the harm they cause to workers who are just trying to earn a living in California.
Settlement Case Study Background
On July 27, 2020, Cecil Reyes and his attorney filed a complaint with the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA) against his employer, Imperial Sprinkler, under the Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA). Under the PAGA, employees like Cecil, who are subjected to unfair labor and employment practices, can file a lawsuit against their employer for labor code violations. Cecil filed an expanded complaint months later, indicating his employer failed to do the following:
- Pay minimum and overtime wages,
- Provide rest and meal breaks,
- Provide accurate and itemized wage statements,
- Pay employees all wages due at the time they left, and
- Reimburse employees for work expenses.
Additionally, Cecil alleged that Imperial Sprinkler engaged in unfair competition practices. When the LWDA did not take any action in response to Cecil’s complaint, he filed a class action lawsuit in Orange County.
The Outcome of the Case
After engaging in several rounds of mediation, the parties were able to come to a settlement agreement to address Cecil and the other workers’ complaints. The deal requires Imperial Sprinkler to pay approximately $1.2 million to compensate Cecil and the class members for unpaid wages, legal fees, and other damages. Imperial Sprinkler also agreed to pay the employer-side taxes associated with the wages separately so this burden does not fall on the employees. As part of the agreement, the workers agree not to take further legal action for the harms outlined in the settlement as long as Imperial Sprinkler follows the terms.
Takeaway of this Verdict Case Study
The verdict analysis in this post highlights a success story where employees worked together to advocate for their legal rights. Because of Cecil’s courage, he and other current and former employees at Imperial Sprinkler secured a just outcome and spoke out against injustice. Banding together is a powerful way for employees to raise their voices against unfair labor practices. It empowers them to join forces to advocate for justice and secure a favorable outcome against bad actors. Even if it seems difficult, fighting injustice can often be worth it and can help provide employees with hope and due compensation, especially if they have the assistance of knowledgeable and aggressive attorneys.
Bibiyan Law Group Fights for California Workers
California has extensive labor and employment laws to help protect workers against being taken advantage of by their employers. Unfortunately, not every employer follows or is aware of these laws, causing workers to fall victim to unfair practices like withholding wages, not getting the rest and meal breaks they deserve, and other acts.
Bibiyan Law Group stands by workers to help them hold at-fault employers responsible for the harm they cause when they cut corners or skirt regulations. Past clients have described David Bibiyan and his team as “one of the best employment attorneys in the game” and their services and knowledge as “unmatched.” If you think your employer is breaking the law, contact our team today by calling 310-438-5555 to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.